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We do not currently support running SpiderOak directly on an NAS device. Some of our users have reported success with running the Linux version of SpiderOak on their Linux based NAS devices. We applaud experimentation, though of course the standard disclaimer applies: we have not tested the below and are unable to provide support for such setups.
In the meantime, you can still back up an NAS system using SpiderOak. The NAS first needs to be mounted on any computer running SpiderOak. By "mounted", we mean that it is visible in your computer's file manager (Windows Explorer, Mac Finder, etc.). Once it is mounted, look in SpiderOak's Backup tab. You should now see the NAS in SpiderOak. If you do not see it:
If SpiderOak was already running when you mounted the NAS, then it might not appear in the Backup tab immediately. Close and reopen SpiderOak, and the NAS should now appear.
On Mac, mounted external devices do not appear until you first select the "Show Hidden Files" button in the Backup tab. Then, expand the /Volumes to see your external devices.
Once you see the NAS in the Backup tab, you can then select its contents for backup as you would other files or folders.