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The deleted items bin is another layer of security for your files. When a file in your backup set is deleted locally, SpiderOak moves its copy to the deleted Items bin rather than deleting it. Files in the deleted items bin are never automatically deleted, so if you delete any of your backed up files by accident, you can always safely restore them from the deleted items bin.
Any files that SpiderOak deletes as part of sync are also sent to the deleted items bin and stored indefinitely.
The deleted items bin is found in the Manage tab and is local to each device, so make sure you are looking in the bin for the device where your data was deleted.
Since the files in the deleted items bin are still stored on our servers, they count towards your storage total. To permanently remove items in the deleted items bin from your account, select the files and push the Remove button.
The information above is based on the current version of our application. If you are running an older version, download and install our current version, then follow the instructions above.