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We use email verification codes to ensure that you actually own the email you’ve linked to your account. Your email address is uniquely identified with your account, so it’s critical that you can prove that you own the email account.
If you sign up with your email address, we treat it as your username. If you need to recover your account, you can use your email address and your recovery key to regain access even if you have lost access to all your devices.
We’ll also use this email to send you important billing notices. For example, if the card you have on file has expired and we cannot charge you for a renewal, we will email you a notice to update your payment method.
We will never sell this or provide email address to any other services. It will be used only for account recovery and important messages from SpiderOak.
If you don't want to provide your email, you don’t have to; you can choose to create an account that’s only associated with a unique username. You won’t be able to receive billing notices via email, however.
Did your verification code never arrive? You can resend the code.