What information can SpiderOak see in Semaphor?

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While most of the data in Semaphor is end-to-end encrypted, some information associated with your account is visible to SpiderOak employees.

SpiderOak employees can see:

1. Your username (or e-mail if you signed up using an e-mail address).

2. The names of all the Teams you belong to.

3. The usernames or email addresses of all members of your teams.

4. Any information you enter into your account profile, including your profile picture.

5. Billing plan details for your account and teams.

6. The names of your devices.

SpiderOak employees can never see:

1. The names of your Channels.

2. The content of any messages or attachments.

3. The file names of any attachments.

4. The file types of any attachments.

5. The recovery key for your account.

Additionally, your messages and attachments cannot be reordered or the sender changed.

Remember, SpiderOak employees will never ask you for your recovery key.