A very relevant article by SpiderOak Executive Chairman Charles Beames in Forbes this week titled: “Why Kennan’s Containment Strategy Ensures Defeat in the 2nd Space Race.”
In it Charles argues that Kennan’s strategy to contain the USSR was brilliant when national security was largely measured by lines on a map, whereas today power no longer exists solely in the physical realm, in fact most of it exists in the digital world, in e-commerce, networks, apps, and contracts stored in the cloud and that basing our security in space on Kennan’s approach is not just inadequate,
it’s dangerous because it creates the illusion of security without ensuring it. Check it out at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/charlesbeames/2024/07/29/why-kennans-containment-strategy-ensures-defeat-in-the-2nd-space-race/ #satellite communications #spacecyber #zerotrust